Publishing some of my favorite people, places, and things.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Reads and Kindle Wireless Reading

That's So Shabby

Jen Thompson doesn't just collect vintage chic decor, she builds it. Jen has a knack for seeing the gorgeous finished product in cast offs found in junks stores. She is very creative and not afraid of getting her hands dirty as she works her magic on wood, metal, and paint. Her finished products are beautiful and sometimes functional pieces of vintage chic decor. Yes, her work LOOKS DIVINE!

My Talented and Creative Friends

My friends are so talented and creative. Some of them design clothing, jewelry, and items of decor. Many of my friends are writers or actors. I feel so rich in friendships. When I read about Shannon decorating a cake, I get inspired to paint. Yes, I want to learn how to decorate cakes, but the beauty of her creations moves me to explore my talents. I love having the opportunity to share my friends' masterpieces with you.

The Shabby Paris Market: The Shabby Paris Market

The Shabby Paris Market: The Shabby Paris Market: "We will be opening soon. Please check The Shabby Paris Market soon for updates on when the booth will be open. We will be located at The Dep..."